Friday, June 17, 2005


Place Yer Bets!

Key Words:

Leave it to the Japanese! They seem to keep finding ways to entertain me to no end. I mean just look at the kinds of games that have come up out of Japan these past few years and you’ll know what I’m talking about. I’ve seen Train Engineer video games, Dance video games, Sex video games, Rolling-ball video games… name it and they’ve probably done it already

Then there is “BANZAI”. I’m still trying to decide whether this is a comedy show, a game show, or something a lot weirder spawned from the loins of Japanese high-jinx and British dry humor. It’s an EXPERIENCE, definitely..

The basic premise is you go through a series of mini games and the program pauses for enough time for you and your friends to place your bets. The thing is, you end up betting on ridiculous things such as “How long can Mr. Handshake Man hold his victim’s handshake?” or “Which prostitute will not be chosen by the Minor British Celebrities for their naughty party.” All delivered in a campy Japanese gaming theme.

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Place your bets! Which of these studmuffins has the longest tongue?
Click on image to see answer

I’m trying to organize an online or SMS Banzai betting for my choirmates. That is if I can convince enough of them to sit through the 30-minute show.

hehe so when does the betting begin!? ;)
Wala naman atang nagbabasa ng artichoke... walang nagcocomment
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